May, you felt like a flash of light! Where did you go? Lots of time spent outside, observing this month the shift of seasons. The rise and fall of color. The bursting and wilting blooms. The last of the lush greens.
I watched the balsamroot season slowly fade. With the heat this year, it arrived sooner and left earlier than last year.
I made a trip out to one of my favorite lakes. It doesn’t matter how many times I visit, I always find moments of awe. Look at these rocks and water rippled reflections!
I took a weekend trip down to Portland and smelt all the amazing roses in bloom! It’s the city of roses! Then caught these wild sunset clouds on my way home!
I went to the Yakima quilt show and found a few special hand quilted pieces. This below piece was quilted by their great grandmother and repaired. I’m sharing a detail picture because I fell in love with the perfect stitches and the amazing subtleness of the hand quilted design.
I also loved this circular quilt, the improv style and flow of the piece. It made me want to learn how to make a circular quilt.
I also finished my balsamroot inspired quilt. It was a practice in minimalism and time. I wrote more about it on my other blog.
Jose Olivarez poems - I’m not sure how I’m so late to finding Jose’s writings, but I downloaded his Promises of Gold audiobook (it’s unlike any other aubio it’ve heard, recorded live poetry reading!! See if your library has it on the Libby app!). Here’s one of my faves, poem were no one is deported.
Another book I started reading was, Beauty: The Invisible Embrace by John O’Donohue exploring the idea of beauty and found so many poignant quotes about reverence, a favorite work of mine.
“A sense of reverence opens pathways of beauty to surprise us.”
“When we enter into reverence, we are aware of the deep beauty of things.”
I found Rodrigo Amarante’s album Drama again. I haven’t listened in over two years but it’s such a vibe.
and lots of ranchera music, still missing Mexico.
I feel like there’s more to share, but it’s already June, so I’ll have it for the June post!